Ling Cod

A big ling on the jigg

    One of my favourite ways to gather food is to target Ling cod. You are allowed to keep two of these voracious predators daily. My GPS system coupled with a bottom contour map and an accurate sounder allows me to target these fish where they school. It is not uncommon to have multiple hookups on every drift. I hunt down the big ones between rocky pinnacles and steep drop off ledges.

     The Orca Mist is equipped with all the gear to whack these fish. My jigging rods and reels are built to withstand even the biggest of lingers. Personally I like the ones between 15 to 25 lbs because of their delicate white meat. There is world record Ling Cod out there and I know where they live. Be prepared to have a tough workout.

Big Ling Cod in Prince Rupert
Big Ling Cod in Prince Rupert British Columbia Canada
Prince Rupert Ling Cod Fishing
Millie and her dad with some fine Ling Cods