Prince Rupert lies between the second and third largest rivers in British Columbia. You know that means only one thing, great Salmon fishing. An incredible amount of schooling fish come off the Pacific with empty stomachs each year. They have one thing on their mind and that is feeding.
There are literally hundreds of spots to intercept these fish on their run to the Skeena and Nass rivers. May to August offers the best of Chinook fishing. I like to troll cut plug herring for these chrome bright slabs. It seems that over the last few years the number and size of these fish have increased. It is quite possible to catch your limit of Tyees before 8 in the morning leaving the rest of the day to pursue other species of fish. What can a guide say about the Coho fishing, it’s fast and furious. These silver bars will bite at anything presented to them. Depending on the weather we can cut plug, buck tail flies or jig em. Daily limit for Coho is 2 fish and you can bet that everyone will get their limit before taking off for home. The season for these acrobatic guys is June to October. The large hook nose Northern s arrive mid August and progressively get bigger each week right up to the end of October.